Plot 32

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Shed base etc.

Some very welcome rain saw me at the Plot last weekend beginning preparatory work for the shed base. On Monday my father came and marked out the levels whilst my mother busied herself on the Plot discovering mint, parsley and chive that might otherwise have been dug up!
After Wednesday's thunderstorms I returned yesterday and spent another couple of hours weeding.

Work on the shed base began in earnest today. Having decided to lay slabs on a sand and cement base, I was lucky enough to find some Bradstone slabs at B&Q for £1.01 apiece. B&Q were also selling sharp sand at £1.12 a bag with cement about 60p cheaper than elsewhere.
The base is now more than half finished - my father takes credit for most of the work: I just did general labouring! We are hoping to finish on Monday when I shall post a photo of our efforts.

The downside? We have had to dig up 3 rhubarb crowns to make way for the shed. Still, at least there are 7 plants left!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Another pic

View of the plot looking West from the "dry end." It is difficult to gauge from the pic how far back the remaining weed runs - the half plot beyond, tho' tenanted, hasn't been tended for a while, giving a misleading impression. The previous posting should help.

Anyway, spent another couple of hours at the plot today following a very light rain shower. The rain had made absolutely no impression, so again progress was slow. Discovered that I've had a mole - wisely it stuck to the parts I've already dug.

Comfrey plants (bought from the Organic Gardening Catalogue) have been potted up ready for planting out in September - all are thriving. Have yet to lay my shed base ...

New Pic

Not the best picture - I'm still struggling to get the hang of digital cameras and software packages; however, if you look closely, compare with one of the previous postings and bear in mind that the wheelbarrow is on the neighbouring plot, you should be able to see that I've now cleared a substantial part of the plot - my boundary is just left of centre of the pic, the rhubarb being situated in the corner.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Saturday, Wednesday, Friday

Despite the lack of posts, I have been working on the plot - 3 days this week as per the title. I shall take my camera up over the weekend, then I'll post some more (long promised) pictures.
In total I reckon I've put about 26 hours of "weeding" in so far but I'm not really counting! When you see the pic's you'll see that I started work at both ends and will shortly finish somewhere near the middle - the simple reason is that the soil dries out more quickly at the Eastern end; however, I also like the idea that people who've been walking past thinking I've achieved very little, will suddenly see a cleared plot when I break through!
Have also ordered a shed so I have to lay a base before it arrives. Then there's water butts to buy ... Could get to be quite an expensive hobby!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

More poppies

Got a bit tired of counting days so I decided on a change!

Despite what I said in my previous posting, I didn't get to work on the plot on Saturday, Sunday or Monday - domestic chores and the England game on Saturday, too hot on Sunday and Work on Monday. Today I spent another 3 hours taking out poppies and carting dried waste to the bonfire. I reckon I've now cleared about a third of the plot. I also tried to order my Mowerland tiller, only to find that it's out of stock at most retailers - I shall try Mower Magic tomorrow and failing that wait until August.

Some welcome rain is forecast but I have to go to Birmingham on Thursday and stay overnight. Still, I am taking my National Trust card and hoping to get an opportunity to see the Birmingham back-to-backs ....