Plot 32

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weather etc.

The storms of the last 2 weeks have resulted in a lot of damage to the roof of my house. Thinking I'd better check the Plot, I arrived there yesterday to find that my shed had been blown onto its back and the roof partially detached. A hasty telephone call to my parents and the fortuitous arrival of my "neighbour," Bob soon saw it righted - father and I then spent a couple of hours carrying out repairs. Will have to think about some sort of ground anchors.
Other "news:" spent part of New Year's Day digging, some of the garlic is now just beginning to show, the days are noticeably lengthening and I've just bought a couple of books on lunar planting, which I'm going to try.
Now, where's that seed list?


At 20 January, 2007, Blogger lilymarlene said...

So sorry about your shed....but all sounds well now! I was so relieved that our new one withstood the wind, but we thought planting it just behid the hedge would be sensible for a windbreak.
Shall watch your plot's evolution with interest.....we seem to be at about the same stage with them.

At 20 January, 2007, Blogger Plot 32 said...

Had a snoop round your Blog - very interesting and your plot's in a lovely location. I shall add you to my links when I get time and follow the progress of Plot 58.


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