Shed base etc.
Some very welcome rain saw me at the Plot last weekend beginning preparatory work for the shed base. On Monday my father came and marked out the levels whilst my mother busied herself on the Plot discovering mint, parsley and chive that might otherwise have been dug up!
After Wednesday's thunderstorms I returned yesterday and spent another couple of hours weeding.
Work on the shed base began in earnest today. Having decided to lay slabs on a sand and cement base, I was lucky enough to find some Bradstone slabs at B&Q for £1.01 apiece. B&Q were also selling sharp sand at £1.12 a bag with cement about 60p cheaper than elsewhere.
The base is now more than half finished - my father takes credit for most of the work: I just did general labouring! We are hoping to finish on Monday when I shall post a photo of our efforts.
The downside? We have had to dig up 3 rhubarb crowns to make way for the shed. Still, at least there are 7 plants left!