Plot 32

Monday, August 21, 2006

Finnegan Begin Again

There was a man called Michael Finnegan
Cleared a Plot of poppy and dandelion
The rain came down and grew it back again
Pooor old Michael Finnegan
Begin again ....

One of the consequences of removing most of the previous weed growth is that it's let the light in and awoken dormant weed seeds. After a week away I've returned to rampant growth on the plot and it's not fruit and veg! In fairness I'd anticipated this - in a slightly different context (preparing seed beds) Andi Clevely recommends preparing the soil 3-4 weeks in advance and then hoeing off the weeds that appear. Fortunately, apart from the onion beds, I've got plenty of time to lick the plot into shape before the next planting season.


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